Make sure your staff has access to the right systems at the right time...all the time!



Provisioning made fast, simple, and safe.

Does your staff share passwords? Sure, they do. Do they ever change jobs but still have access to PHI when they shouldn’t? Almost certainly. And if they move on, are you sure they don’t still have access to some system somewhere? It happens more often than any of us would like to admit. That’s why we created Accessright.



Easy to install. Even easier to manage. You must like that!

Your IT team is busy. With Accessright we do most of the heavy lifting during implementation. Even better, the system is super easy to manage. It works with your HR system and automates most of your provisioning processes. Automated or not, Accessright tracks everything and keeps everyone in your organization on the same page.


Before Accessright


After Accessright


Power up your provisioning.

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